Monday 13 September 2010

Getting to the crux of the matter

Thailand, like most other Asian countries, is a mix of ambiguity and complexity where nothing is quite as it appears in the first instance. The famous Thai smile for example can mean any of 101 things from "I want to stab you in the back" to "You are the shining beacon in my life". Grenjai, namjai and face all play huge roles in the day to day lives of ordinary Thai people.

Which means that the role of market research is more important than ever when attempting to uncover hidden insights and gems of truths. My problem is that in Thailand the "focus group" seems to be the answer to all insight quests. Why would that be a problem you may well ask? Well, with all these complex cultural nuances how can a focus group ever truly expect to reveal true insights. As a sweeping statement and over generalization, Thais say what they think you want to hear. Controversy and out-spokeness are not generally held traits.

Most focus groups I have attended over the past 10 years or so in Thailand, are superficial to say the least. Perhaps that's a bit harsh but I believe it is all down to poor technique and planning. Thais like to avoid direct confrontation, so therefore what the hell do you expect them to answer when faced with a load of direct "why this" and "why not that" questions?

How then, can we really expect a focus group undertaken by most Thai Research Agencies to get us to the crux of the matter. Yes they uncover observations, but only the truly switched on moderators can cut through the waste and arrive at something insightful.

Qualitative research in Thailand needs to re-evaluate and reinvent itself. Do they really represent and understand the consumer they believe they are so close to? Two hours of interrogation by a moderator going through the motions leads me to think that they do not!

1 comment:

  1. Hi--I'd like to interview you about your company and social media advertising in Thailand. Interested? Please email me at
